26 September 2008

30 Minutes until the Debate

Well, it might not of happened. But Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL) will debate in half an hour in Oxford, MS at Ole Miss. Here's what you should look for in tonight's debate:

1. The debate topic was flip-flopped: Sen. Obama was able to change the topic from domestic issues to foreign policy, to show what people believe to be lacking really isn't. If McCain is on the defense this debate, that could do it.

2. Obama did his homework: Sen. Obama and his advisors have been holed up over the last two weeks in Clearwater, FL, for debate camp; McCain didn't start studying until just two days ago at the Morgan Library in New York.

3. Obama's got the momentum: He's got a 10 point lead in most tracking polls, and electoral-vote.com has Obama leading 286-252. I think that if Obama does well tonight, that it might just be over.

Tonight's debate, from the Ford Center for the Performing Arts at Ole Miss, from 8:00-9:30, will be on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.

Stay tuned after the debate to Notepad for a post-debate wrap-up post(there might be video).

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