29 December 2007



It’s time for the inaugural, 2008 Paddy Awards-hey, every blog’s got awards, we need them too.

The Worst Lie of the Year Award goes to...

Mitt Romney! For his lie, “I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.” When he was doing missionary work in France!

The Worst Lie Cover-Up of the Year Award goes to...

Pat Buchanan, covering the derriere of Mitt Romney! In response to the MLK quote, Pat Buchanan said on Hardball that he meant that he saw his father march ‘in spirit’ with Mitt Romney. He omits the fact that HE COULD NOT BE THERE TO SEE IT! I guess that Mitt was there in spirit watching his father, in spirit, with Martin Luther King. Oh, and I guess he saw, in spirit, the pilgrimage of Brigham Young.

The New Kid On The Block Award goes to...

Rahm Emanuel! After only two terms in office in the House of Representatives, the Illinois Congressman was one of the leaders of the Democratic Party, who aided in gaining majorities in the Senate and the House for the Democrats.

The Next Great Leader Award is shared by...

Garry Kasparov and Senator James Webb! I know it is an odd combination, but both will, in the future, be great leaders. Kasparov, the former chess grandmaster (and rival of IBM computer, Deep Blue) has led the opposition movement to the reign of PM Vladimir Putin for over 25 years now. I would think that, at some point, he will lead the Russians to quasi-, if not full, revolution, taking down the KGB-led government.

Senator Webb, on the other hand, is of a lighter sort. Webb, the former Secretary of the Navy and rookie Senator from Virginia, did a few great things while in office in his first year: he gave a scintillating response to the State of the Union, rebuking the President’s claims on Iraq, his region of expertise; he set forth legislation that would disallow military force against Iran without Congressional approval; and he brought further dignity to the troops, saying to the President’s face that he wanted the troops home, and wanted to “slug” him when Mr. Bush responded with the terse response, “That’s not what I asked you. How’s your boy?” referring to the Marine serving in Iraq, the soldier whose boots were worn by Webb on the campaign trail.

The Bush Scandal of the Year Award goes to...

Attorneys-Gate, the scandal in which the Justice Department fired 7 U.S. Attorneys, simply because they could fill the positions indefinitely due to the USA PATRIOT Act! In fact, a memo was procured from White House Counsel Harriet Miers saying that it was a possibility that all U.S. Attorneys would be fired.

The Political Comic Relief Award is shared by...

Dana Perino and Alan Keyes! Alan Keyes, for simply being Alan Keyes, giving us all the ‘He was running for President?’ interjection when he appeared in an Iowa debate on December 12-a debate that brought the sigh of the moderator.

Dana Perino, on the other hand, gets the award because of her relation to the three other Press Secretaries during the Bush Administration: she is unbelievably tight-lipped and will say as many words as possible to say as little as possible.