23 October 2007

On Social Issues and Hypocrisy

Over the past two decades, the alleged accolades of the Democratic and Republican Parties have been the same: while the Democrats seemingly only do well when it comes to domestic issues, such as education, the Republicans allegedly are the only people who can take care of national security and 'social issues,' the so-called 'mommy problem' for the Democratic Party. However, it is arisen over the past year that the Republicans aren't exactly as prone to exercise the social values they claim to defend. While the Dems don't agree with "Christian thinking," the GOP is doing even worse-because they undermine it while preaching it.

The perfect example is that of Senator Larry Craig, whom I believe you've heard of over the past two months. Sen. Craig, now an Idaho Hall of Famer, was found by a Minneapolis police officer to be, as Yahoo! News interestingly put it, "a homosexual ritual in order to ascertain sex." He has since been shunned and all but censured in the Senate, causing more and more pain for the Republican Party.

While we all now know of Senator Craig, we begin to forget of the other Republicans who have erred in their moral values. What about Mark Foley, Florida congressman-turned child predator? David Vitter, the Louisiana senator-turned Beltway adulterer? Rick Santorum, former senator from Pennsylvania-who made a children play and cuddle with an aborted fetus two years ago? Even Mitch McConnell, current Minority Leader-turned smear artist on 12-year-old Graeme Frost? The GOP is becomeing less and less a party ticket, and more members on an abstract wall of shame.

But it's not just the outright disgusting nature and sheer indecency of the GOP; it's their acts of hypocricy that boils the blood of Americans on both the left and the right sides of the aisle. Republican party House leader John Boehner, chastised Democrats for their views on gay marriage, and trying to create a constitutional amendment on marriage. Senator Tom DeLay of Tennessee, Republican, was the chief prusuant of the death of Terri Schiavo. the Republican Party, led on the topic by President Bush, basically flipping the bird to kids by vetoing S-CHIP, with Press Secretary Perino saying, "We won this round."

What round, Ms. Perino? The round to kill off the healthcare of 11 million children? Your partisanship would go as so far as to use children as a pawn? I'm not exactly suprised the Bush Administration is doing this-note NCLB-but to do it again? Is this the round to hurt or kill children? Finally, is this the round to go against the Preamble of the Constitution to "promote the general welfare," in a Constitution the President and Congressmen and -women swore to protect?

The GOP has always felt they had a clutch on 'moral values,' and the vote it brings. We had good Christian values in mind, they continue to say. But that was until the Larry Craigs, and Mark Foleys, and David Vitters of the world showed up, and when the people said, give the kids healthcare, while the Reps smirked, and gave a resounding 'no.' This isn't just a threat on the Republican Party, this is a slight on politics: have they any decency? Have they any humanity? Can you please, for the good of the country, so that our trust shall not be destroyed, end your hypocrisy and smearing of what is good about this nation, apologize, and go away?

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