29 June 2007

On Healthcare

The American people just don’t understand healthcare. We believe that the best way to control our healthcare and treatment is to hand it over to the greedy HMOs to create ‘capitalism,’ in this case the euphemistic snookering of American dollars. While those in Europe and the Great White North have healthcare paid by taxes and their governments--although flawed, surgery waiting lists and all-- they still give all people, not just the rich and the exceptionally poor, healthcare.

This spin of healthcare from the modern American media, that we would cause a socialist monopoly healthcare, is complete bunk. What they don’t understand is the fact that the private healthcare system can survive, but in opposition to and in competition with what would be a country-wide form of Medicare. We’ll see who wins; the private system no one who doesn’t have healthcare can afford anyway, and the public system that would already be paid for via taxes. It’s win-win: the people that don’t have healthcare can afford it, and the rich will be able to get their plastic surgery covered by their medical plan.

And we wouldn’t have to raise taxes either; four to five percent of our tax dollars are going to Medicare and Medicaid combined; three percent of our tax dollars towards Medicare alone. Raise that number, taking any pork barrel spending out of our budget, and you have enough money to fund this.

That’s what we can do about healthcare. Of course, I did this post today to coincide with the new Michael Moore documentary, Sicko. Click the link below for a review from the Washington Post. To respond to this post(and we love responses, don’t we?), e-mail us at Mailbag.Notepad@gmail.com, or send us a comment right here on the site. Plans for a forum will come eventually on this and many more topics.



beak said...

I was just randoming through some blogs and planed to add your to my reading list, and was wondering if you did some sort of Internet podcast or Stream, because I would listen to it, and enjoy listening to it.

The Notepad Team said...

Re: comment by beak:

Sadly, no; my current hardware prohibits me from creating a podcast. Hopefully, in some time, I will be able for this infernal thing to create said webcast.

Thank you for your comment! Please, enjoy the blog!