23 July 2007

Debating on-and with-The Tube

The CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate has just been completed, a revolutionary idea using the Internets we know and love-and keep this blog in existence. The debate featured 100% user-generated content via YouTube. There were also performances of YouTube-like videos from each of the campaigns, which are critiqued below. The concept and its carrying-out was done very well, and will be used for a Republican debate two months from now. Here’s my report card on the candidates:

1. Sen. Christopher Dodd (CT): Excellent answers to questions, strong on his opinions on gay marriage, stem cells, and the war in Iraq. Answered with competence and rhetoric.

Video: Tied for best video of the night, with both informative and entertaining factors. 10/10

Combined total: 27/30-BEST IN SHOW AWARD WINNER

T2. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY): Clinton did okay in this debate, answering most questions well, but in my mind did not succeed in her prime directive: breaking away with the rest of the Democratic pack. She did, however, answer all the questions with power and poise, especially which that is the “Are you feminine enough?” question, asked by the person of the aforementioned “Are you black enough?” question. 15/20

Video: Best tagline: “Sometimes the right man for the job is a woman.” Great idea as well, with the various statistics. 9/10

Combined total: 24/30

T2. Gov. Bill Richardson (NM): Answered his questions quite eloquently, especially on education and on energy. I also loved his statement on optical scan voting, which is 99.9% accurate, across the country in federal elections. He still has a long way to go, but this is the way to do get there. 17/20

Video: Not the greatest concept in the world (office setting, with Gov. Richardson peering in while others are talking about him), but got some important points about him. 7/10
Combined total: 24/30

T2. Sen. Joseph Biden(DE): Did very well in answering questions on taxes, education, and was very eloquent-sometimes too eloquent, as usual. 16/20

Video: Basically looked like a regular ad on television. Not that that is bad, but there was a need for a YouTube like ‘edginess.’ 8/10
Combined total: 24/30

T5. Sen. Barack Obama (IL): Obama answered the “Are you black enough?” question with poise, along with questions on the war and defending himself against Mr. Gravel when he attacked him, but was not able to separate his political views from his religious views, very important in the Democratic base. 14/20

Video: Best editing for a video, which took from stump speeches, and was very inspiring.
Combined total: 23/30

T5. Mr. John Edwards(NC): In my opinion, he did the worst of any of the candidates(other than Mike Gravel), squirming away from some questions, taking a very long time to explain himself instead of being blunt, and being too centric on poverty, which will hurt him-people will most likely see him as being only fighting for the poor instead of everyone-although I do of course agree with his statements in the category of the populist points on poverty. 13/20

Video: Tied with Chris Dodd for best of the videos, rebutting critics statements on his haircut; showing clips on issues like Iraq, New Orleans, and Darfur, saying to the effect of “These issues or my hair-what do you choose?” 10/10
Combined Total: 23/30

T5. Rep. Dennis Kucinich(OH): Was a bit to focused on his cell phone component to his campaign, but was, as usual, excellent in his answers to the entire spectrum of questions-not that he got to speak very often. 16/20

Video: Worst of the videos; felt like a Head-On commercial, with him repeating basically the same thing, his text messaging system to “send a message to The Whitehouse[sic].” 7/10
Combined total: 23/30

8. Mr. Mike Gravel(AK): As usual, he was very weird, yelling at the candidates, the camera, and even moderator Anderson Cooper. He did answer questions well on education and a military draft. But, he wasn’t able to strike up new debate or increase his likeability, but scare me. Very much. 9/20

Video: Short-but-sweet statements on hot-button issues such as Iraq and global warming. Was edited and performed well. 8/20
Combined total: 17/20-WORST IN SHOW AWARD WINNER

My Winners and Losers:
Winners Losers
• Christopher Dodd
• Bill Richardson
• Joseph Biden • Mike Gravel
• John Edwards
• Hillary Clinton
No Change:
• Barack Obama
• Dennis Kucinich
The Republican Debate will take place on September 17th from Florida.

Have any discrepancies? Anything to add? Comment on the blog or e-mail me at Mailbag.Notepad@gmail.com.


Anonymous said...

This debate really did not effect my opinion of our future Democratic leaders. I will take more of a stand when I get to see the Republicans take action, on September 17th.

In the end I agreed with every you said. Except for Ms. Clinton, although she handled herself with excellent manor.

The Notepad Team said...

This debate did change my mind a bit towards Obama and towards Dodd, especially of the latter. However, no Democrat actually took a hit. I'd like to see, first of all, if the whole of the Republicans actually participate. Only three candidates(Brownback, McCain, Huckabee) have agreed to participate.