12 May 2007

On Energy and the Environment

First, a Happy Mother's Day to all who are reading, their mothers, their grandmothers, et cetera.

I am quite a believer in environmental reform. Being on my high school's Students for the Preservation of the Earth club, I believe we have to break away from our Hummer-using, gas-guzzling attitude and start to conserve. There are many ways in which we can do this:
  • Rewrite the tax code, rewriting any loopholes(especially for businesses). Then, formulate a tax break for businesses that use at least 50% of gross income for research, development, and marketing of alternative energy sources.
  • Create recycling systems and increase marketing for mini-flourescent bulbs(the 'spiral bulbs').
  • Do what the Europeans do: when using nuclear power, recycle nuclear waste.
  • Increase CAFE standards(gas mileage standards, not the amount of caffeine at your corner Starbucks) to 30 MPG.
  • Finally, encourage American car companies to create alternative energy cars, which would decrease carbon emissions and increase jobs.

In conclusion, there are a variety of things we can do. Then, the question lies: why aren't we doing anything about the climate change problem? Why isn't the Bush administration doing anything about it? The answer is simple: The Bushes are from the highest 1%! They are, and have always been, in cahoots with the oil industry! That's the reason why gas prices are going up!

I know I sound like a liberal hack by saying it's the Bush administration's fault, but they're not the only ones to blame. The modern media has erred in not covering the climate crisis-and the gas crisis-enough, and (dare I say it, being a union supporter) it is the UAW's fault as well, being that they have stood strong for years that they do not want to raise CAFE standards.

There are a lot of people to blame, but we have no time to blame. All that we can do is reform and change.

11 May 2007

Send to the Notepad

Anyone who's interested in the show(coming June 11)-please send your e-mails to mailbag.notepad@gmail.com. I'll read off and answer the e-mails on each week's Friday "Town Hall" show.


What I Believe

I consider myself neither a Democrat, nor a Republican, nor an Independent. I consider myself a Neo-Populist. If you're new to politics and political history, The Populist Party was a third party at the turn of the 21st Century, that believed in unions, increased minting of silver, and labor regulations.

We need to return to this era, to fight not for the fascists, but for the people, for whom the Framers built this country upon, by, of, and for. Obviously, the Free Silver Party isn't making a comeback, but what about reform in education, voting rights, the economy, and national defense?

Why must we follow the 24-hour 'newstainment' cycle, laden with entertainment news and 'wedge issues' such as abortion and homosexual marriage and rights? We don't have to follow it; we can-no, we must-change it.


P.S. For more info on the Populist Party, please read former Senator-and Presidential candidate-Mike Gravel(D-AK)'s book, Citizen Power.

Welcome to Notepad

Welcome to the Notepad blog, in which the new political radio show will be broadcast. New shows, broadcast from Rosedale, Queens, NY, will be posted on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Every now and then(probably every other day), I'll be posting my own political commentaries, be it the Bush administration, Congress, and the political effects on education, science, national defense, et cetera.

Enjoy the blog.

Daniel Pecoraro
THHS Class of 2010