...I hope.
But according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Al Franken, barring legislation by Norm Coleman (who will undoubtedly bring suit of some sort), will be the next junior Senator from the state of Minnesota. Franken leads by 225 votes, according to the Star-Trib. This would bring the balance of power to 59-to-41. The result, however, is well less than my prediction that Franken would win by two percentage points. But perhaps I meant two votes...
Stay tuned for a eulogy of the Bush administration, in 15 days.
Also, quick public service announcement for politically upright New Jerseyites: check out my blog Draft Codey for Lieutenant Governor, by clicking the link above.
03 January 2009
Notepad Classics
I wrote this post, what was meant to be the first Notepad video, on 19 March 2008. President Bush had spoken at the Economic Club of New York earlier that week...
A Romantic Moron, a Romantic Liar
Mr. Bush on the troops, 14 March 2008 at the Economic Club of New York. Here was President Bush’s attempt to make up for all the faux pas he has delivered to the troops: the jokes he told months before the 2004 election, the swiftboating of John Kerry and the irrefutable, irrevocable destruction of Senator Kerry’s name as a veteran, the countless times he has refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan, a gold-star mother and not just some political activist, and being in cahoots with Blackwater and Halliburton, allowing them free reign as hired guns-mercenaries- giving them three times the pay and furthered protection, withholding troops promised to come home, not to come home indefinitely, and not giving troops any timetable from which their time in Iraq will ultimately end. How romantic and envious, indeed.
Mr. Bush’s attempt to ‘make nice’ to his subordinates came off looking like Minuit’s attempt to ‘make nice’ with the Lenape-give them praise or material goods in order to snooker them some more. While Bush and his Republican colleagues will not vote on a timetable to get the men and women of Iraq out of there-even as leverage for the Iraqi government to do something, they also will not investigate Blackwater’s shooting of Iraqi civilians, nor their possible smuggling of weapons to the Kurds-at taxpayers’ expense of course-nor Halliburton’s countless violations of our trust and of our ethics: their overpricing of their and former subsidiary KBR’s services-again, at taxpayers’ expense-the unethical ties to Mr. Cheney, and the gang rape of a contractor. Why has this not been investigated? In turn, the soldier has been turned into propaganda. Cases in point: Corporal Pat Tillman, a great man who gave up millions of dollars to fight in Afghanistan, had his death used as propaganda to continue our “War on Terror”- as far as going to say that he had been killed by a Taliban convoy, instead of friendly fire-and possibly murdered. When Private Jessica Lynch was rescued from her prison of war, her story became a virtual ad campaign for war in Iraq. Quoting Lynch, “They used me to symbolize all this stuff. It's wrong. I don't know why they filmed [my rescue] or why they say these things.”
And Mr. Bush stated that “if I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.” First of all, when he was much younger, he could have fought in a war, he could have had this fantastic experience. It was called the Vietnam War. He could have volunteered, he could have fought on the front lines just like Senator Kerry, just like Senator Max Cleland, who came home from Vietnam with just an arm- he could have brought glory to his name. He could have been drafted and faced it, just like thousands who did and came home, or did and died. Instead, he chose to go into the Texas Air National Guard-where he could have served diligently and with respect. Instead, he went AWOL- this is fact, not CBS-fabricated lies. Mr. Bush went not to fight against the Viet Cong, but instead fought for the Republican senatorial candidate in Alabama.
Mr. Bush, you could have fought before. You could have been the Great American Soldier to which you romanticize. And you can be that soldier now. While still Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II went to the Eastern Front, leading on the front lines at war, instead of leading in St. Petersburg. While still Emperor of France, Napoleon fought and faced his worst battles while the executive. John Dickinson, delegate from Pennsylvania at the 2nd Continental Congress, became a brigadier general in the Pennsylvania militia, and then the Delaware militia, in the Revolutionary War. Julius Caesar, the man Bush seems so much to emulate via his wishes to extend his executive powers to the point of dictatorship, continued to fight Pompey as Dictator, gaining enough power to become emperor.
Mr. Bush, follow this long line of leaders in your war. The populace believes this is your war. The corporations which you have so diligently bankrolled believe this is your war. The Capitol believes this is your war. Why don’t you make it your war? Why don’t you follow this romantic dream of yours, Mr. Bush? Confront the danger you have fomented! Make the history you have created, what will be remembered as a dark time in American history, following in the line of Hoover, Harding, Adams! Follow your dream! If you are to romanticize a war the men and women serving abroad disagree with, go to war and romanticize your own self.
A Romantic Moron, a Romantic Liar
"I must say, I'm a little envious…if I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed…it must be exciting for you ... in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks.”
Mr. Bush on the troops, 14 March 2008 at the Economic Club of New York. Here was President Bush’s attempt to make up for all the faux pas he has delivered to the troops: the jokes he told months before the 2004 election, the swiftboating of John Kerry and the irrefutable, irrevocable destruction of Senator Kerry’s name as a veteran, the countless times he has refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan, a gold-star mother and not just some political activist, and being in cahoots with Blackwater and Halliburton, allowing them free reign as hired guns-mercenaries- giving them three times the pay and furthered protection, withholding troops promised to come home, not to come home indefinitely, and not giving troops any timetable from which their time in Iraq will ultimately end. How romantic and envious, indeed.
Mr. Bush’s attempt to ‘make nice’ to his subordinates came off looking like Minuit’s attempt to ‘make nice’ with the Lenape-give them praise or material goods in order to snooker them some more. While Bush and his Republican colleagues will not vote on a timetable to get the men and women of Iraq out of there-even as leverage for the Iraqi government to do something, they also will not investigate Blackwater’s shooting of Iraqi civilians, nor their possible smuggling of weapons to the Kurds-at taxpayers’ expense of course-nor Halliburton’s countless violations of our trust and of our ethics: their overpricing of their and former subsidiary KBR’s services-again, at taxpayers’ expense-the unethical ties to Mr. Cheney, and the gang rape of a contractor. Why has this not been investigated? In turn, the soldier has been turned into propaganda. Cases in point: Corporal Pat Tillman, a great man who gave up millions of dollars to fight in Afghanistan, had his death used as propaganda to continue our “War on Terror”- as far as going to say that he had been killed by a Taliban convoy, instead of friendly fire-and possibly murdered. When Private Jessica Lynch was rescued from her prison of war, her story became a virtual ad campaign for war in Iraq. Quoting Lynch, “They used me to symbolize all this stuff. It's wrong. I don't know why they filmed [my rescue] or why they say these things.”
And Mr. Bush stated that “if I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.” First of all, when he was much younger, he could have fought in a war, he could have had this fantastic experience. It was called the Vietnam War. He could have volunteered, he could have fought on the front lines just like Senator Kerry, just like Senator Max Cleland, who came home from Vietnam with just an arm- he could have brought glory to his name. He could have been drafted and faced it, just like thousands who did and came home, or did and died. Instead, he chose to go into the Texas Air National Guard-where he could have served diligently and with respect. Instead, he went AWOL- this is fact, not CBS-fabricated lies. Mr. Bush went not to fight against the Viet Cong, but instead fought for the Republican senatorial candidate in Alabama.
Mr. Bush, you could have fought before. You could have been the Great American Soldier to which you romanticize. And you can be that soldier now. While still Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II went to the Eastern Front, leading on the front lines at war, instead of leading in St. Petersburg. While still Emperor of France, Napoleon fought and faced his worst battles while the executive. John Dickinson, delegate from Pennsylvania at the 2nd Continental Congress, became a brigadier general in the Pennsylvania militia, and then the Delaware militia, in the Revolutionary War. Julius Caesar, the man Bush seems so much to emulate via his wishes to extend his executive powers to the point of dictatorship, continued to fight Pompey as Dictator, gaining enough power to become emperor.
Mr. Bush, follow this long line of leaders in your war. The populace believes this is your war. The corporations which you have so diligently bankrolled believe this is your war. The Capitol believes this is your war. Why don’t you make it your war? Why don’t you follow this romantic dream of yours, Mr. Bush? Confront the danger you have fomented! Make the history you have created, what will be remembered as a dark time in American history, following in the line of Hoover, Harding, Adams! Follow your dream! If you are to romanticize a war the men and women serving abroad disagree with, go to war and romanticize your own self.
30 December 2008
More Awards!
It’s now time for the 2nd annual Paddy Awards. There are a few new ones, but mostly old one’s on the menu today, as we look back on the political year:
The Worst Lie of the Year Award goes to...
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, for her statement-which she reiterated for circa eleven times, according to MSNBC’s First Read, after she was “unveiled” as the vice presidential nominee for the Republican Party-that “I said to Congress, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ on that Bridge to Nowhere,” that infamous Ted Stevens and Don Young-endorsed bridge that would span from Gravina Island (population: 50) to Ketchikan International Airport to replace a ferry-oh, and it would cost a whopping $398 million. The problem here is that Candidate Palin in 2006 was FOR THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, stating at a debate, “I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now – while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist.” A month earlier, Candidate Palin wore a shirt saying “Nowhere, Alaska 99901”, the zip code being the zip code of the Ketchikan area. The first flip-flop of many in what would become a death knell to the McCain campaign.
The New Kid On The Block Award goes to...
Al Franken! Perhaps this award is premature, but while not being a senator officially, Candidate Franken has been able to present a campaign that, while not without its controversy (issues on paying back taxes to the IRS, an article in Playboy degrading to women), has allowed for a comedian-of all things-to possibly win an election. A man who once wrote a book about a possible presidential campaign entitled Why Not Me?, Franken has shown strong political views on environmental reform, an income tax that helps the common worker, marriage rights for all-including same-sex couples-and a well-needed promise to our Constitution in the form of a “quickie impeachment.” Most importantly, however, he and incumbent Senator Norm Coleman have shown the need for election reform, showing the dos and don’ts of how to decide an election.
The “Don’t Let the Door Hit You Where the Good Lord Split You” Award is shared by...
Eliot Spitzer and Rod Blagojevich! The dynamic duo of detestable leaders brought to light the murky nature of Albany and Chicago politics, filled with “pay-to-play,” the “Bear Mountain Compact” that reporters won’t talk of fornication north of the New York landmark, the sale of the Senate seat of the next president of the United States, the blackmailing of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and the “Emperor’s VIP Club.” Bye-bye, governors! Enjoy prison...
Honorable Mention to Ted Stevens, for his ethics conviction and subsequent senatorial defeat, adding insult to injury. He probably won’t enjoy prison like the aforementioned two, instead getting to enjoy his repaired-free-by-VECO Alaska home.
The Bush Scandal of the Year Award goes to...
The President’s massive destruction of civil liberties and global charters in the form of suspension of habeas corpus, use of “enhanced” (i.e. corporal punishment) ways to gain (mostly false) intelligence, and application of mercenaries (i.e. KBR, Blackwater) in his war in Iraq to run amok killing innocent civilians, that in total merit not only impeachment and conviction, but war crimes and crimes of aggression at The Hague, the Netherlands, at the International Criminal Court.
The Political Comic Relief Award goes to...
British PM Gordon Brown! The following video speaks for itself-click the link!
The Political Relief from Comedy Award goes to...
Clarence Thomas! According to a study by the Yale Law Review, Thomas is the unfunniest Supreme Court justice, in that he produced zero instances of laughter in the Court’s transcripts. The reason for this is that he hasn’t asked a question in THREE YEARS! What has he done the last three years? Nobody knows...
And a Special Editor’s Award for Civility in Recounting goes to...
The Minnesota Canvassing Board, of course! After the first day of its rapid judgment of the plethora of challenges of ballots, the best line of the entire campaign was spoken-“Milk and cookies at 9 AM.” Compared to a 2000 circus in which people were rioting in the Canvassing Board offices, screaming “Let us in! Let us in!”, a time for milk and cookies is well needed.
Happy New Year, everyone. Milk and cookies.
The Worst Lie of the Year Award goes to...
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, for her statement-which she reiterated for circa eleven times, according to MSNBC’s First Read, after she was “unveiled” as the vice presidential nominee for the Republican Party-that “I said to Congress, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ on that Bridge to Nowhere,” that infamous Ted Stevens and Don Young-endorsed bridge that would span from Gravina Island (population: 50) to Ketchikan International Airport to replace a ferry-oh, and it would cost a whopping $398 million. The problem here is that Candidate Palin in 2006 was FOR THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, stating at a debate, “I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now – while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist.” A month earlier, Candidate Palin wore a shirt saying “Nowhere, Alaska 99901”, the zip code being the zip code of the Ketchikan area. The first flip-flop of many in what would become a death knell to the McCain campaign.
The New Kid On The Block Award goes to...
Al Franken! Perhaps this award is premature, but while not being a senator officially, Candidate Franken has been able to present a campaign that, while not without its controversy (issues on paying back taxes to the IRS, an article in Playboy degrading to women), has allowed for a comedian-of all things-to possibly win an election. A man who once wrote a book about a possible presidential campaign entitled Why Not Me?, Franken has shown strong political views on environmental reform, an income tax that helps the common worker, marriage rights for all-including same-sex couples-and a well-needed promise to our Constitution in the form of a “quickie impeachment.” Most importantly, however, he and incumbent Senator Norm Coleman have shown the need for election reform, showing the dos and don’ts of how to decide an election.
The “Don’t Let the Door Hit You Where the Good Lord Split You” Award is shared by...
Eliot Spitzer and Rod Blagojevich! The dynamic duo of detestable leaders brought to light the murky nature of Albany and Chicago politics, filled with “pay-to-play,” the “Bear Mountain Compact” that reporters won’t talk of fornication north of the New York landmark, the sale of the Senate seat of the next president of the United States, the blackmailing of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and the “Emperor’s VIP Club.” Bye-bye, governors! Enjoy prison...
Honorable Mention to Ted Stevens, for his ethics conviction and subsequent senatorial defeat, adding insult to injury. He probably won’t enjoy prison like the aforementioned two, instead getting to enjoy his repaired-free-by-VECO Alaska home.
The Bush Scandal of the Year Award goes to...
The President’s massive destruction of civil liberties and global charters in the form of suspension of habeas corpus, use of “enhanced” (i.e. corporal punishment) ways to gain (mostly false) intelligence, and application of mercenaries (i.e. KBR, Blackwater) in his war in Iraq to run amok killing innocent civilians, that in total merit not only impeachment and conviction, but war crimes and crimes of aggression at The Hague, the Netherlands, at the International Criminal Court.
The Political Comic Relief Award goes to...
British PM Gordon Brown! The following video speaks for itself-click the link!
The Political Relief from Comedy Award goes to...
Clarence Thomas! According to a study by the Yale Law Review, Thomas is the unfunniest Supreme Court justice, in that he produced zero instances of laughter in the Court’s transcripts. The reason for this is that he hasn’t asked a question in THREE YEARS! What has he done the last three years? Nobody knows...
And a Special Editor’s Award for Civility in Recounting goes to...
The Minnesota Canvassing Board, of course! After the first day of its rapid judgment of the plethora of challenges of ballots, the best line of the entire campaign was spoken-“Milk and cookies at 9 AM.” Compared to a 2000 circus in which people were rioting in the Canvassing Board offices, screaming “Let us in! Let us in!”, a time for milk and cookies is well needed.
Happy New Year, everyone. Milk and cookies.
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